PayU Pay-by-Link

Last changes: 02-27-2024

1. Initiate Authorization

The authorization of a payment is initialized by calling the API method 1.38 Init Authorize.

In the example below, we authorize 3.99 EUR for a PayU "Pay-by-Link" payment as part of the purchase of two premium widgets from Widgets GmbH. The shopper's full name is provided alongside their address.

Initiate Authorization Request


PUT {baseURL}/payment/initAuthorize


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
X-Auth-Token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiI{abbreviated}RW5kVG9rZW4=

  "programAccno": "1714963780",
  "accno": "1715009450",
  "accnoType": "01",
  "paymentOptionCode": "PAYU",
  "presentationAmount": 3.99,
  "presentationCurrCode": "PLN",
  "presentationUsage": "Purchase:2xPremiumWidgets. Merchant:WidgetsGmbH. CUSTREF:52650FD95. Hotline:08001234567.",
  "useDifferentBillingAddress": true,
  "customerFullName": "Jacob Smith",
  "addr1": "Anystreet",
  "houseNumber": "321",
  "city": "Anycity",
  "countryCode": "DE",
  "postCode": "12345",
  "criteria": [
      "name": "redirectUrl",
      "value": ""
  "localDate": "2019-04-11",
  "localTime": "184834"

Initiate Authorization Response

Status Code:

201 (Created)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US

"programAccno": "1714963780",
"accno": "1715009450",
"uniqueReference": "T9KGCM5AN0y-l9eowgV82Q",
"loadAccountReference": "NvPoE85cZE6FguOfrC7Fmw",
"authorizationToken": "{partial omission for brevity}jRFJGp0",
"paymentOptionCode": "PAYU",
"presentationAmount": 3.99,
"presentationCurrCode": "PLN",
"presentationUsage": "Purchase:2xPremiumWidgets. Merchant:WidgetsGmbH. CUSTREF:52650FD95. Hotline:08001234567.",
"custom1": "WVWZZZ3BZWE689725",
"statusCode": "RECEIVED",
"statusReason": "Pending",
"paymentProviderResponse": [
"id": "8a4c674e-b05c-4465-98b2-f71027fb5147",
"currency": "PLN",
"created": "1555001316327",
"modified": "1555001316327",
"amount": 3.99,
"order": {
"id": "Umbrella Europe T9KGCM5AN0y-l9eowgV82Q",
"line_items": [
"name": "Purchase:2xPremiumWidgets. Merchant:WidgetsGmbH. CUSTREF:52650FD95. Hotline:08001234567.",
"id": "Umbrella Europe",
"quantity": 1,
"unit_price": 3.99
"status": "Initialized",
"billing_address": {},
"possible_next_actions": [
"action": "Charge",
"href": ""
"action": "Authorization",
"href": ""
"action": "Update Payment",
"href": ""
"id": "806e11a7-ba1b-41f8-be93-4c5e7f36e013",
"amount": 3.99,
"created": "1555001316877",
"reconciliation_id": "T9KGCM5AN0y-l9eowgV82Q",
"provider_specific_data": {
"additional_details": {
"bank_name": "payment_wall",
"language": "en"
"payment_method": {
"type": "PBL"
"ip_address": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"originating_purchase_country": "LUX",
"result": {
"status": "Pending"
"provider_data": {
"provider_name": "PayUPoland",
"response_code": "SUCCESS",
"raw_response": "{\"redirectUri\":\"",
"external_id": "TFMFGQ5PGR190411GUEST000P01"
"redirection": {
"id": "b0275d86-890f-495e-a1ce-a6a9290a692f",
"id": "b0275d86-890f-495e-a1ce-a6a9290a692f",
"created": "1555001316851",
"merchant_site_url": "",
"url": ""
"localDate": "2019-04-11",
"localTime": "184834",
"sysDate": "2019-04-11",
"sysTime": "164837",
"responseCode": "0000",
"responseDescription": "Successful execution",
    "additionalInformation": {
        "requestId": "aff2728481a181dc36daedc14055b516"

The response includes the desired authorization token under the return parameter "authorizationToken" which is used to collect payment option details via the SDK and alongside the "uniqueReference" is required to complete the authorization of the initiated transaction. The transaction reference under the return parameter "uniqueReference" is furthermore required for the following API calls. Beyond this use, it should be persisted if possible, as it enables the identification of the transaction should the need arise at a later stage.

2. Collect Payment Option Details via SDK

The SDK renders a customizable drop down menu, from which the customer can choose their bank. We offer SDKs for the integration into websites as well as mobile applications (Android and iOS).

The authorization token returned by the API method 1.38 Init Authorize which initiated the transaction is used to associate the payment option details collected via the Web SDK with the transaction.

Collect Payment Option Details via WebSDK

   authorizationToken: "{partial omission for brevity}jRFJGp0",
   paymentOptionCodes: ["PAYU"],
   locale: "en-US" // Optional

3. Transmission of Payment Details

The payment system contacts the bank, which was prior chosen by the customer in the dropdown menu rendered by the WebSDK. With the payment option details collected, the shopper is redirected to their bank’s login webpage.

4. Customer Is Redirected to Their Bank's Login Webpage

After the customer enters their login credentials, the participating bank displays the transaction data in a prefilled payment form.

5. Customer Confirms Transaction

There is no need for further entries by the customer, beside the confirmation of the transaction. This can be done via a TAN procedure (e.g. mobileTAN, pushTAN) or digitally signing the transaction using a 2FA token.

6. Bank Authorizes Transaction

Based on the balance of the customer’s account, the bank can approve or decline the transaction. The authorization happens and the appropriate amount is deducted from the account. Immediately after this, the result of the authorization is communicated to the payment service and the shopper is redirected to the previously specified “callbackURL”.

7. Complete Authorization

Since the SDK sends the payment details directly to the payment service, where the payment is subsequently processed, you have no knowledge about the current status of the payment and if it got authorized. Therefore, call the API method 1.39 Complete Authorize from your server-side method behind the “callbackURL”, which you specified in the SDK.

The transaction authorization is identified by the "uniqueReference" and "authorizationToken" returned initially by the API method 1.38 Init Authorize. Instead of saving these variables on your server-side, pass them via the query string parameters in the “callbackURL”.

Complete Authorize Request


POST {baseURL}/payment/T9KGCM5AN0y-l9eowgV82Q/completeAuthorize


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
X-Auth-Token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiI{abbreviated}RW5kVG9rZW4=

    "partnerReference": "TEST-363KWVTRWB",
    "authorizationToken": "{partial omission for brevity}jRFJGp0",
    "localDate": "2020-02-11",
    "localTime": "104235"

Complete Authorize Response

Status Code:

200 (OK)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US

    "initiatorAccno": "5183630515",
    "accno": "5183646503",
    "uniqueReference": "t5WpDiwHl0CPcRaMdC75Dg",
    "initiationCountryCode": "PL",
    "initiationCountryCode3": "POL",
    "processedAmount": 3.99,
    "processedCurrCode": "PLN",
    "statusCode": "AUTHORIZED",
    "statusReason": "Authorized",
    "paymentProviderResponse": [
            "id": "8521e8e5-11ac-46cb-b670-0f266592fa02",
            "currency": "PLN",
            "created": "1581410501766",
            "modified": "1581410536917",
            "status": "Authorized",
            "payment_method": {
                "billing_address": {},
                "type": "untokenized",
                "source_type": "PBL"
            "provider_configuration": {
                "id": "d56aae02-efa8-4e5f-9ee1-7b166d2320b0",
                "name": "PayU_PL_Snb_MSh1",
                "description": "PayU Merchant 1 - Sandbox PL - PLN",
                "created": "1503568002239",
                "modified": "1503672766715",
                "account_id": "2ffc1077-2562-489b-a93b-0b527302cd69",
                "provider_id": "2bb71903-fe65-45fe-8002-1967a43dd64e",
                "type": "cc_processor",
                "href": ""
            "related_resources": {
                "authorizations": [
                        "id": "ae3313df-df0a-446b-b7a1-35d9542ca126",
                        "created": "1581410502215",
                        "reconciliation_id": "t5WpDiwHl0CPcRaMdC75Dg",
                        "provider_specific_data": {
                            "additional_details": {
                                "bank_name": "payment_wall",
                                "language": "en"
                        "payment_method": {
                            "billing_address": {},
                            "type": "untokenized",
                            "source_type": "PBL"
                        "ip_address": "",
                        "originating_purchase_country": "DEU",
                        "result": {
                            "status": "Succeed"
                        "provider_data": {
                            "provider_name": "PayUPoland",
                            "response_code": "WAITING_FOR_CONFIRMATION",
                            "raw_response": "{\"order.products.0.quantity\":\"1\",\"order.status\":\"WAITING_FOR_CONFIRMATION\",\"order.products.0.unitPrice\":\"10000\",\"order.additionalDescription\":\"PayU HUB Transaction\",\"properties.0.value\":\"76246243\",\"order.totalAmount\":\"10000\",\"order.merchantPosId\":\"301945\",\"order.description\":\"t5WpDiwHl0CPcRaMdC75Dg\",\"\":\"wweettPurchase:2xPremiumWidgets. Merchant:WidgetsGmbH. CUSTREF:52650FD95. Hotline:08001234567.\",\"order.extOrderId\":\"Test Program - t5WpDiwHl0CPcRaMdC75Dg_1581410502018\",\"\":\"PAYMENT_ID\",\"order.notifyUrl\":\"\",\"order.customerIp\":\"\",\"order.orderCreateDate\":\"2020-02-11T09:41:42.130+01:00\",\"order.currencyCode\":\"PLN\",\"order.orderId\":\"CHZ36C6ZDR200211GUEST000P01\"}",
                            "transaction_id": "76246243",
                            "external_id": "CHZ36C6ZDR200211GUEST000P01"
                        "amount": 10000,
                        "provider_configuration": {
                            "id": "d56aae02-efa8-4e5f-9ee1-7b166d2320b0",
                            "name": "PayU_PL_Snb_MSh1",
                            "description": "PayU Merchant 1 - Sandbox PL - PLN",
                            "created": "1503568002239",
                            "modified": "1503672766715",
                            "account_id": "2ffc1077-2562-489b-a93b-0b527302cd69",
                            "provider_id": "2bb71903-fe65-45fe-8002-1967a43dd64e",
                            "type": "cc_processor",
                            "href": ""
                        "href": ""
                "redirections": [
                        "id": "78b24dbe-9be8-469d-84ae-9e8093dbd4de",
                        "created": "1581410502198",
                        "merchant_site_url": "",
                        "url": "",
                        "href": ""
            "billing_address": {},
            "possible_next_actions": [
                    "action": "Void",
                    "href": ""
                    "action": "Capture",
                    "href": ""
            "order": {
                "id": "Test Program - t5WpDiwHl0CPcRaMdC75Dg",
                "line_items": [
                        "name": "wweettPurchase:2xPremiumWidgets. Merchant:WidgetsGmbH. CUSTREF:52650FD95. Hotline:08001234567.",
                        "id": "Test Program",
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "unit_price": 10000
            "amount": 10000
    "partnerReference": "TEST-363KWVTRWB",
    "localDate": "2020-02-11",
    "localTime": "104235",
    "sysDate": "2020-02-11",
    "sysTime": "084236",
    "responseCode": "0000",
    "responseDescription": "Successful execution.",
    "additionalInformation": {
        "requestId": "aff2728481a181dc36daedc14055b516"

Note, that the 1.39 Complete Authorize response includes the internal representation of the Account Number (indicated by the parameter Account Number Type).

The response includes the Transaction Status under the return parameter "statusCode", which at this point should be set to "AUTHORIZED" and indicates that the payment was authorized.


8. PaymentsOS Callback

Callback Response

    "notificationType": "AuthorizationFeedback",
    "processingStatus": "Status of transaction processing: 'Success' or 'Failed'",
    "processingReason": "Description of the transaction processing status",
    "transactionStatus": "RECEIVED or AUTHORIZED",
    "uniqueReference": "Unique reference of the transaction",
    "relatedTransactionReferences": [{
        Array of transaction references of dependent transactions which are updated,
        if available.Otherwise, the array is empty.