Get Payment Status API

Last changes: 09-04-2023

The API method Get Payment Status returns the payment status and the status and history of any modification initiated by you.

API Request Parameters

Field Mandatory Description Type Length
transactionId Yes The Transaction ID received by calling the SmartPay API method Create Checkout. GUID 36


Specify the transaction-ID in the URL.


GET {Base URL}/payment/status/aeaabe56-3c05-44fb-9f19-9f27074ef5a4


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US

API Response Parameter

Level 1 response structure

Field Description Type
reconciliationReferenceId External payment provider unique transaction identifier. String
description Transaction description, as specified by you in the checkout API request. String
paymentStatus Current status of the initial payment transaction. String, see payment status model
creationDate Transaction creation date and time. String
lastStatusDate Transaction status changing date and time. String
transactionOverview Collection of initial payment transaction data. Object, see level 2 transaction overview.
modifications Array of all performed transaction modifications. Array, see level 2 modifications.

Level 2 response structure - transaction overview

Transaction overview object is returning you basic information of the transaction including the payment option type, as chosen by the consumer.

Field Description Type
transactionId The unique identifier of the transaction generated on transaction creation. String
paymentMethod Used payment option code. Payment option code, see data model
customerAccountId Unique customer identifier. String
amount Transaction modification amount. Decimal
currencyCode Transaction modification currency. The 3-letter currency ISO-4217 code. String
customReferences For external party usage customReferences

Level 2 response structure - modifications

To check the status of modifications initiated by you via API call, please evaluate the respective modification inside the modifications object.

Field Description Type
modificationData Additional details on the modification. ModificationData
modificationData-type Type of performed transaction modification. Possible values: "CAPTURE", "CANCELLATION", "CHARGEBACK", "SETTLEMENT", "REFUND" according to the respective API methods. String
modificationData-modificationId Merchant unique request identifier - as sent by you in the modification API request. String
modificationData-reconciliationReferenceId External provider unique transaction identifier. String
modificationAmount Requested transaction amount information. Amount
modificationAmount-amount Transaction modification amount. Decimal
modificationAmount-currencyCode Transaction modification currency. The 3-letter currency ISO-4217 code. String
status Last status of the transaction modification or initial payment transaction. Refer to Payment Status. String
error Error code in case of a failure. String
creationDate Modification transaction creation date and time. String
statusHistory The array of status history elements. Contains information about each modification (with one modificationId) status transition. Sorted by status modification entry creation date. Array of StatusHistory
statusHistory-status Status of the transaction modification or initial payment transaction. Refer to Payment Status. String
statusHistory-statusDate Modification transaction status changing date and time. String
statusHistory-modificationAmount Requested transaction amount information. Amount
statusHistory-error Error code in case of a failure. String

Response sample #1

The sample below shows a checkout without auto-capture. After authorization a capture API and refund API have been called and executed.

200 (OK)
Content-Type: application/json
    "partnerReference": "InternalTRX_ID00001",
    "reconciliationReferenceId": "pzFdwq0ImRFYGYuq41xCH",
    "description": "Test-transaction-1234",
    "paymentStatus": "CAPTURED",
    "creationDate": "2020-12-15T14:38:59.150Z",
    "lastStatusDate": "2020-12-15T14:40:25.008Z",
    "transactionOverview": {
        "amount": 10.99,
        "currencyCode": "EUR",
        "transactionId": "aeaabe56-3c05-44fb-9f19-9f27074ef5a4",
        "paymentMethod": "CARDS",
        "customerAccountId": "Test"
    "modifications": [
            "modificationData": {
                "type": "CAPTURE",
                "modificationId": "jhgjhabkjh58gjgkjhlkjkhgkjhg6",
                "reconciliationReferenceId": "pzFdwq0ImRFYGYuq41xCH"
            "modificationAmount": {
                "amount": 10.99,
                "currencyCode": "EUR"
            "status": "CAPTURED",
            "creationDate": "2020-12-15T14:38:59.150Z",
            "statusHistory": [
                    "status": "CAPTURE_PENDING",
                    "statusDate": "2020-12-15T14:40:07.406Z",
                    "modificationAmount": {
                        "amount": 10.99,
                        "currencyCode": "EUR"
                    "status": "CAPTURED",
                    "statusDate": "2020-12-15T14:40:08.678Z",
                    "modificationAmount": {
                        "amount": 10.99,
                        "currencyCode": "EUR"
            "modificationData": {
                "type": "REFUND",
                "modificationId": "Customer-Refund-1",
                "reconciliationReferenceId": "FJ9wbkRjJZsRYCrjgaGGY",
            "modificationAmount": {
                "amount": 10.99,
                "currencyCode": "EUR"
            "status": "REFUNDED",
            "creationDate": "2020-12-15T14:38:59.150Z",
            "statusHistory": [
                    "status": "REFUND_PENDING",
                    "statusDate": "2020-12-15T14:40:23.901Z",
                    "modificationAmount": {
                        "amount": 10.99,
                        "currencyCode": "EUR"
                    "status": "REFUNDED",
                    "statusDate": "2020-12-15T14:40:25.008Z",
                    "modificationAmount": {
                        "amount": 10.99,
                        "currencyCode": "EUR"

Response sample #2

The sample below shows a checkout with failed authorization.

200 (OK)
Content-Type: application/json

    "reconciliationReferenceId": "V82yE6sMxClcR0lrXVmIo",
    "description": "SMP*TRX*Test*01",
    "paymentStatus": "FAILED",
    "creationDate": "2022-07-12T23:44:45.783Z",
    "lastStatusDate": "2022-07-12T23:45:53.238Z",
    "transactionOverview": {
        "amount": 10.5,
        "currencyCode": "EUR",
        "transactionId": "5853dbbf-b1a5-4fd6-8d62-7c92a285166f",
        "paymentMethod": "CARDS",
        "customerAccountId": "Test-123"
    "statusHistory": [
            "status": "CREATED",
            "statusDate": "2022-07-12T23:44:45.783Z",
            "modificationAmount": {
                "amount": 10.5,
                "currencyCode": "EUR"
            "status": "AUTHORIZATION_INITIALIZED",
            "statusDate": "2022-07-12T23:45:21.329Z",
            "modificationAmount": {
                "amount": 10.5,
                "currencyCode": "EUR"
            "status": "FAILED",
            "statusDate": "2022-07-12T23:45:53.238Z",
            "modificationAmount": {
                "amount": 10.5,
                "currencyCode": "EUR"
            "error": "payment_provider_processing"
    "carrierNumber": ""

Response sample #3

The sample below shows a checkout with auto-capture, via 'Pre-payment' as a payment option, and so the "transactionReference" field is returned as part of the response.
The "transactionReference" is the transaction identifier, that must be used by the end-customer, as a reference/usage (Verwendungszweck),  while initiating their bank transfer.

200 (OK)
Content-Type: application/json
    "reconciliationReferenceId": "JLiSXwLBvI82ffamzIUXm",
    "description": "VWFS*SMARTPAY*01BA",
    "paymentStatus": "CAPTURED",
    "creationDate": "2023-04-17T10:32:56.409Z",
    "lastStatusDate": "2023-04-17T10:33:06.162Z",
    "transactionOverview": {
        "amount": 800,
        "currencyCode": "EUR",
        "transactionId": "e92dbc89-ce39-41cd-a6ad-721154b3e379",
        "paymentMethod": "PREPMNT",
        "customerAccountId": "test6gN4aJIR7B"
    "modifications": [
            "modificationData": {
                "type": "CAPTURE",
                "modificationId": "e92dbc89-ce39-41cd-a6ad-721154b3e379",
                "reconciliationReferenceId": "JLiSXwLBvI82ffamzIUXm"
            "modificationAmount": {
                "amount": 800,
                "currencyCode": "EUR",
                "description": "VWFS*SMARTPAY*01BA"
            "status": "CAPTURED",
            "creationDate": "2023-04-17T10:33:05.815Z",
            "lastStatusDate": "2023-04-17T10:33:06.162Z",
            "statusHistory": [
                    "status": "CAPTURE_PENDING",
                    "statusDate": "2023-04-17T10:33:05.815Z",
                    "modificationAmount": {
                        "amount": 800,
                        "currencyCode": "EUR"
                    "status": "CAPTURED",
                    "statusDate": "2023-04-17T10:33:06.162Z",
                    "modificationAmount": {
                        "amount": 800,
                        "currencyCode": "EUR"
    "statusHistory": [
            "status": "CREATED",
            "statusDate": "2023-04-17T10:32:56.409Z",
            "modificationAmount": {
                "amount": 800,
                "currencyCode": "EUR"
            "status": "AUTHORIZATION_INITIALIZED",
            "statusDate": "2023-04-17T10:33:04.228Z",
            "modificationAmount": {
                "amount": 800,
                "currencyCode": "EUR"
            "status": "AUTHORIZATION_COMPLETED",
            "statusDate": "2023-04-17T10:33:05.729Z",
            "modificationAmount": {
                "amount": 800,
                "currencyCode": "EUR"
            "status": "CAPTURE_PENDING",
            "statusDate": "2023-04-17T10:33:05.815Z",
            "modificationAmount": {
                "amount": 800,
                "currencyCode": "EUR"
            "status": "CAPTURED",
            "statusDate": "2023-04-17T10:33:06.162Z",
            "modificationAmount": {
                "amount": 800,
                "currencyCode": "EUR"
    "transactionReference": "116352713196042"

Document version 2.3 - 2023-04-17 - Response sample #3 has been added.

Document version 2.2 - 2021-01-28 - note regarding CARDS payment option code added.

Document version 2.1 - 2021-01-04 (Minor correction to response sample and reconciliationReferenceID description)