Integration Prerequisites

Last changes: 04-03-2024

To integrate SmartPay for online payments, please ensure the following steps are completed:

1. The Customer Relationship Manager has been assigned to the project.

2. The Product Solution Specialist has been assigned to the project.

3. The required payment options for the project have been aligned via the above contacts.

4. If you are not using "https://localhost.localdomain" or "https://localhost:3000" for development and testing, please inform the Product Solution Specialist of the domain you intend to use for configuration.

  1. Only domains with HTTPS are allowed; HTTP is not supported.
  2. Please note that domains with and without "www" are distinct. You can either choose one or provide both, for example, "" and ""
  3. Use only the main part of the website address, like "," and skip any extras at the end, such as "" SmartPay and the SmartPay User's Browser will disregard extra details.

     Examples of the valid domains:

5. Ensure that the latest SmartPay SDK bundle is integrated into the web page from this link:

Note: It is essential to link to this file from SmartPay servers and avoid self-hosting.

6. For customizing SmartPay to match your brand's styling requirements, please contact your Product Solution Specialist to discuss options for adapting the SmartPay Frontend (JavaScript/CSS) Library.

7. Make sure you have obtained the most recent Sandbox Merchant Key from the Sandbox vs. Production page.

8. Configure your web server to allow SmartPay from to access styles and fonts from your stylesheet by setting up Access-Control-Allow-Origin.