Get Account Information

Last changes: 06-26-2023

Call the API method 1.5 Get Account Information to obtain all relevant account information. Another possible application of this method is to check whether an account already exists. Sample responses are provided for either scenario.

Since the Account Number Type (see parameter “accnoType”) is set to "00" in the example below, an External Account Reference (here KDNR0001) is used to identify the customer in your solution.

Get Account Information Request


GET {baseURL}/account/KDNR0001?partnerReference=DEV-SVR001-DE_CUSTID-4V88Y8J27W_CARTID-BJ4PB47WWW_924FH2HJCW&programCode=COMPANYDE&accnoType=00&localDate=2018-10-20&localTime=111414


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
X-Auth-Token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiI{abbreviated}RW5kVG9rZW4=

If the customer does not have an account, the given External Account Reference cannot be matched and the expected Response Code "0008" is returned (see example below).

Get Account Information Response - Invalid account number

Status Code:

200 (OK)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US

    "partnerReference": "DEV-SVR001-DE_CUSTID-4V88Y8J27W_CARTID-BJ4PB47WWW_924FH2HJCW",
    "responseCode": "0008",
    "responseDescription": "Invalid account number supplied: KDNR0001."

In the case of an already existing account, the API response returns the Response Code "0000" and includes all former provided account data and additional information such as the Account Status.

Get Account Information Response - Successful execution

Status Code:

200 (OK)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US

    "accno": "KDNR0001",
    "title": 1,
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "firstName": "Jacob",
    "addr1": "Anystreet 321",
    "city": "Anycity",
    "countryCode": "DE",
    "countryCode3": "DEU",
    "countryName": "Germany",
    "postCode": "12345",
    "dob": "1990-01-01",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "currCode": "EUR",
    "accTypeName": "Technical Account Type",
    "accTypeCode": "TECHNICAL",
    "maximumAllowedBalance": 0,
    "minimumAllowedBalance": 0,
    "statusCode": "ACTIVE",
    "accFlowStatusCode": "POPENDING",
    "isEmailVerified": false,
    "isMobilePhoneVerified": false,
    "isUserActive": true,
    "isUserLocked": false,
    "isMtanEnabled": false,
    "timeZone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
    "useDifferentCorrespondenceAddress": false,
    "nationality": "DE",
    "nationality3": "DEU",
    "isBusinessUser": false,
    "isUserAgreementUpToDate": false,
    "accountCreationDate": "2018-11-06",
    "accountValidUntil": "2999-12-31",
    "programCode": "COMPANYDE",
    "partnerReference": "DEV-SVR001-DE_CUSTID-4V88Y8J27W_CARTID-BJ4PB47WWW_924FH2HJCW",
    "localDate": "2018-10-20",
    "localTime": "111414",
    "sysDate": "2018-10-20",
    "sysTime": "101414",
    "responseCode": "0000",
    "responseDescription": "Successful execution",
    "additionalInformation": {
        "requestId": "aff2728481a181dc36daedc14055b516"