Merchant Specific Notifications

Last changes: 10-19-2023


If a transaction is Settled, a notification is sent to the "Notifications Target URL" specified for the merchant receiving the transaction, if the following are activated:

  • Notification Service for the specified merchant
  • The "Settlement" notification type is enabled
  "uniqueReference": "{unique reference of the transaction being settled}",
  "notificationType": "Settlement"


If a Refund is performed for a transaction, a notification is sent to the "Notifications Target URL" specified for the merchant receiving the transaction, if the following are activated:

  • Notification Service for the specified merchant
  • The "Refund" notification type is enabled
    "uniqueReference": "{unique reference of the transaction being refunded}",
    "refundedTransactionReferences": [ "{array of transaction references of dependent transactions being refunded}" ],
    "notificationType": "Refund"


If a transaction is Charged Back, a notification is sent to the "Notifications Target URL" specified for the merchant receiving the transaction, if the following are activated:

  • Notification Service for the specified merchant
  • The "Chargeback" notification type is enabled
    "uniqueReference": "{unique reference of the transaction being charged back}",
    "chargedBackTransactionReferences": [ "{array of transaction references of dependent transactions being charged back}" ],
    "amount": 12.34,
    "chargebackReason": {
        "code": "123",
        "description": "Example Reason for Chargeback"
    "notificationType": "Chargeback"