Integration Prerequisites

Last changes: 04-22-2024

To integrate Subscription Module using SmartPay and accept payments online, please ensure the following:

1. Your project has a Customer Relationship Manager from J.P. Morgan Mobility Payments Solutions S.A. assigned to it.

2. You have been assigned a Payment Solutions Specialist (PSS) at J.P. Morgan Mobility Payments Systems GmbH.

3. The required payment options for your project have been aligned with J.P. Morgan Mobility Payments Solutions S.A. and J.P. Morgan Mobility Payments Systems GmbH.

4. If https://localhost.localdomain or https://localhost:3000 is not used for development and testing, communicate the domain being used to the Payment Solutions Specialist for configuration.

5. Latest Subscription SDK bundle is included into your web-page:
Note: You must include the link to this file from SmartPay servers and not self-host this file.

6. To customize the style of SmartPay Subscription you may use stylesheetfrom Bronson Toolkit or create a custom style according to Bronson requirements. More information on the Bronson Toolkit: 
Note: Please contact bronson support to get onboarded.

7. You received your Merchant Key from your dedicated Payment Solutions Specialist/Customer Relationship Manager Sandbox vs. Production

8. Configure Access-Control-Allow-Origin in your web-server to allow SmartPay Subscription from  to access styles and fonts from your stylesheet.