Frequently Asked Questions

Last changes: 10-28-2022

In this section you can find answers on how to handle common issues and other frequently asked questions.

Response Code "0482"  is an Error Response that can be returned when calling the 1.39 Complete Authorize API.
The "responseDescription" parameter shows "Transaction is pending on payment provider" as the Error Reason.

Complete Authorize Response

Status Code:

400 (Bad Request)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US

  "partnerReference": "DEV-SVR001-DE-Example-0482-Error-Response-001",
  "sysDate": "2019-12-31",
  "sysTime": "225959",
  "responseCode": "0482",
  "responseDescription": "Transaction is pending on payment provider.",
    "additionalInformation": {
        "requestId": "aff2728481a181dc36daedc14055b516"

The "0482"  Response Code can occur in either of the scenarios outlined below.

  • 1. The 1.39 Complete Authorize API is called before the user has submitted the payment details via the SDK.
    In this case follow the and integration guides, only calling the API method after the redirect to "callbackUrl".
    This is outlined in the Guest Payment and Technical Account > Customer Initiated Transaction (CIT) sections.
  • 2. The Payment Details are sent out, but the External Payment Provider has not yet processed the transaction.
    In this case please retry sending the 1.39 Complete Authorize call only once, 5 minutes after the previous one.
    If the "0482"  Response Code is still returned please wait for the authorization to be automatically completed.
    The authorization should get automatically completed 28 minutes after the 1.38 Init Authorize call was sent.
    You can then call the 1.41 Get Payment Status API method to check the "statusCode"  is now "AUTHORIZED".

Empty string and null value handling

Let’s take an account, for example, that was created , containing the following parameter:

"mobilePhone": "+49 11"

 Case 1Case 2Case 3Case 4
Update Account information


"mobilePhone": "+49 00"



"mobilePhone": null



"mobilePhone": ""


If the parameter is missing

Values after the Update Account information"mobilePhone": "+49 00""mobilePhone": "+49 11”"mobilePhone": """mobilePhone": "+49 11”

Therefore, based on the example above, if you do not submit a previously set optional parameter with the same data, it will be overwritten with null. The same applies when sending an optional parameter in the request with value null: it is treated as if the parameter was not sent at all and the value would remain unchanged.

If you sent an optional parameter in the request with empty string “” for a value, then the previous value would be overridden with empty string.


Response Code "0645"  is an Error Response that can be returned by 1.54 Complete Add Stored Payment Option.
It indicates the Stored Payment Option is already Added to the Account and further attempts are NOT necessary.

Complete Add Stored Payment Option Response

Status Code:

400 (Bad Request)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US

  "partnerReference": "DEV-SVR001-DE-Example-0645-Error-Response-001",
  "sysDate": "2019-12-31",
  "sysTime": "235959",
  "responseCode": "0645",
  "responseDescription": "Status of the stored payment option found by the provided 'authorizationToken' is not \"Pending\".",
    "additionalInformation": {
        "requestId": "aff2728481a181dc36daedc14055b516"

To Confirm the Stored Payment Option has been Successfully Added call the 1.26 Get Stored Payment Options API.

Get Stored Payment Options Request


GET {Base URL}/account/1234567890/storedPaymentOptions?partnerReference=DEV-SVR001-DE-Get-Stored-Payment-Options-001&programCode=COMPANYDE&accnoType=01&localDate=2019-12-31&localTime=235959


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
X-Auth-Token: H4sIAAAAAAA{partial omission for brevity}EAN2bJ/6l2XX+A5kJqdP+MwAA

The Response will contain a "paymentOptions"  array, describing all of the Stored Payment Options for the Account.

Get Stored Payment Options Response

Status Code:

200 (OK)


Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US

    "accno": "1234567890",
    "paymentOptions": [
            "name": "VISA",
            "code": "VISA",
            "carrierNumber": "402400****9550",
            "reference": "8ac7a49f66f2d5ae0167007fa0b17970",
            "paymentGroup": "Cards",
            "paymentGroupCode": "CARDS",
            "paymentSubGroup": "Credit Cards",
            "paymentSubGroupCode": "CRDTCRD",
            "expiryMonth": 12,
            "expiryYear": 2034,
            "validUntilDate": "2034-12-31",
            "validUntilTime": "235959",
            "isVerifiable": true,
            "statusCode": "UNVERIFIED",
            "isDefault": true,
            "billingAddress": {
                "fullName": "Jacob Smith",
                "addr1": "Anystreet 321",
                "city": "Anycity",
                "countryName": "Germany",
                "countryCode": "DE",
                "countryCode3": "DEU",
                "postCode": "12345"
            "iconUrl": "https://.../visa.png"
    "programCode": "COMPANYDE",
    "partnerReference": "DEV-SVR001-DE-Get-Stored-Payment-Options-001",
    "localDate": "2019-12-31",
    "localTime": "235959",
    "sysDate": "2019-12-31",
    "sysTime": "235959",
    "responseCode": "0000",
    "responseDescription": "Successful execution",
    "additionalInformation": {
        "requestId": "aff2728481a181dc36daedc14055b516"